Are You Ready to elevate your endodontic skills?
Don’t miss this golden opportunity to expand your knowledge, sharpen your skills, and connect with a community of like-minded professionals. Our esteemed speakers, each a leader in their area of expertise, will share groundbreaking insights and the latest advancements to help you elevate your practice.
Explore the topics below to discover what our exceptional speakers have in store for you. These sessions are curated to provide a comprehensive learning experience tailored to your growth and success in endodontics!
To enhance the insight and knowledge of symposium participants regarding the latest global developments in Conservative Dentistry science, particularly in micro-endodontic surgical treatments, through international competent experts in the field.
Keynote Speakers
Meet University of Pennsylvania top-notch dental experts
who will teach us the latest update in precision dentistry!
Penn Endodontic Global Symposium presents an opportunity to learn directly from Prof. Syngcuk Kim, the innovator behind the “Bone Window” technique.
He will be sharing his insights on microsurgery and the vital intersection between implants and endodontics.
Also don’t miss his hands-on session, learning about challenges you face during your daily endodontic treatment and retreatment.
Don’t miss his hands-on session which will learn all about broken file retrieval in endodontic treatment.
She’ll dive into topics like vital pulp therapy, bioceramics in obturation, and trauma management.
Don’t miss her hands-on session featuring Samuel I. Kratchman, DMD about Endodontic Microsurgery!
He’ll be sharing his insights on endodontic microsurgery and intentional replantation to enhance your practice.
Dr. Blatz is co-founder and past President of the International Academy for Adhesive Dentistry (IAAD) and a founding member of the European Academy of Digital Dentistry (EADD).