First: Fill Out Our Form
Please fill out our form below (please scroll down). Once you’ve completed the form, an invoice will be automatically generated for download. Keep this invoice for future needs.
Second: Redirect
After filling out the form, you will receive an email message containing an invoice. Please keep this invoice for your CareNow needs later. You will also see a “Download Invoice” button after the submission is complete, please download it as a backup for your invoice. If you are sure that you have received the invoice, then please visit the CareNow website which will appear once your data has been successfully submitted.
CareNow is our third-party partner that facilitates instalment payments for you.
The CareNow platform is secure, official, and regulated by the Financial Services Authority (OJK).
Final Step: CareNow
Finally, you have reached the final step, which means you have successfully generated an invoice in our system that will be submitted for instalment payments through the third-party app we work with, CareNow.
Please read the CareNow PDF Guide by Click here